Our team

Leadership team

The leadership team is composed of Alexandre and Manon. Their main role is to ensure the development of the organization. Together, they are identifying opportunies that will allow MEC PRECISION to reach the targeted objectives.



Track cycling and car racing enthusiast
Great lover of the outdoors and dogs

Administration and sales team

The administration and sales team manages the diverse corporate fields of the organization – sales, communication and accounting. This team is the main channel between MEC PRECISON and our customers.

Fanatic of painting and traveling
Sportsman at heart and vintage lover
Fan of golf and travel
Fanactic of hockey and dogs
Traveler and dog enthusiast
Music lover and enjoys to spend time with family

Operation leader team

The operation leader team is composed of Marc, Benoit and Dennis. They manage all the operations in the factory and make sure the production is running constantly.

Professional gamer and likes cars
Tennis player and loves to travel
Traveler and expert in vintage cars

Technical team

The workshop team repairs and maintains the spindles, servomotors, aggregates, vacuum pumps and AC/DC motors of our customers.

Happy camper and spends his time tinkering
Fan of kayak and music
Full-time athlete and computer geek
Passionate about moutain bike and cars
Road biking and hiking enthusiast
Computer geek and loves hockey
Exalted fisherman and enjoys to be in nature
Musician at heart and loves hockey
Passionate drawer and enjoys music
Cricket player and loves indian music
Fanatic of cars and likes gaming

Reception and expedition team

The reception and expedition team receive and ship all products to our customers and suppliers.

Cheerful fisherman and likes playing games
Passionate gardener and love to cook